North American Educational* (K - 12 & University)
(US and Canada only)
“This wonderful film is a testimony of the courage, resilience and determination of Haitian women? I encourage everyone to support this great endeavour!”
In order to make Poto Mitan accessible to all, we are offering a 3-tiered pricing system for purchasers. Please remember that ALL proceeds will be sent to Haitian women's organizations.
In an effort to promote international dialogue and accessibility, the DVD has FIVE language options: English, Haitian Creole, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Running Time: 50 min. All versions available in VHS upon request.
We encourage people to host their own screenings in their homes and communities (churches, public libraries, etc). Click here to find out how to make your screening a success and easily promote to others in your community. We encourage you to download our companion study guide to facilitate discussion and action after the film. And don't forget to use images and text from our press kit to promote your screening. For screenings particularly benefiting Parners in Health, make sure to promote your film on their events page here.
We are happy to announce that Documentary Educational Resources is representing our North American educational sales. If you are interested in showing the film in your school/university, please click the “BUY NOW” button to purchase the film directly from them.
International Educational* (Colleges & Universities)
(Outside the US and Canada): $195 + s/h
International Educational* (Primary & Secondary)
(Outside the US and Canada): $79.95 + s/h
Organizations (Non-profits, Faith based)
$79.95 + s/h
With the purchase of this version you have permission to use the film as a fundraising tool by hosting a screening and charging an admission fee. If you are interested in selling DVD copies of the film at your event or having the filmmakers at your screening, please contact us.
Student Organizations
Student groups are highly encouraged to request that their library or a department purchase the film so it will be available for future educational use. Student groups are only allowed to purchase at the organizational rate if it’s an extra-curricular screening and no academic department or program sponsors or funds the event, otherwise the educational version must be purchased.
Home Video
$29.95 + s/h
Please note that this is for HOME USE ONLY and not licensed for public, community or educational screenings.
*Institutional price includes public performance rights.
While shipping usually takes less time, please allow up to 3 weeks for delivery.